Saturday, December 3, 2011

Craft room makeover

Let me take you through my craft room make over. I realized that in order to make my creations I needed to be in an appropriate space which inspired me.

My inspiration for my craft room was my logo. Pink Pink and more pink!!!

BEFORE , This was not inspiring!! Sky blue walls and yellow molding around the entire room. Here's just a pic of one wall. blah...on the right corner you can see a piece of my desk and chair which will also be updated in distressed white look! I couldn't have completed the room without my husband and Bestie

We first started with painting the walls hot pink!! It's amazing how many shades of pink there are!! I actually had a tough time picking!! Can you imagine?! My husband was frustrated with me and all my pink swatches! haha

Notice the attempt of better organization! haha

Sand paper the table and pain antique white, let dry and sand paper away to get that distressed look. I try to really work in corners of the table for a natural worn look. Afterward you put a coat of glaze on top to seal.


Here's the pics of my chairs and sewing machine after I painted and distressed them.

Of course they weren't finished yet. I needed cushions to add to the seat. I normal person might just buy chair cushion but I wanted to make mine. It was a little tough but I just winged it. I just traced the chair bottom and estimated how much to cut. I do that a lot but it works for me. All you need is a pencil tissue paper and scissors!! I got cheap fabric from Joann's. Used 2 different types of pink fabric with different designs.

I wanted to add ruffle to the pillow!!

Finished cushion!!

Window treatments next....

Found simple eyelit fabric from Joannes and did an easy straight stitch casing. Used a cheap rod and got my husband to hang it!!

detail of the eyelit fabric I scored!

I bought gingham drapes from kids pottery barn outlet for under $20 bucks each.

Next was lighting! I def wanted something girly so opted for a black chandelier from IKEA. It was only 40 bucks!!

Although the black looked sleek and clean, I wanted to dress up my chandelier by adding shades to it. Rather then spending $15-$20 on decorated shades I cut corners and did it myself. I went to Lowes for $3 dollar shades then I went to Joann Fabrics for Toile Fabric in black and white.

I first made a shade pattern from the shades by just tracing the lampshade right on tissue paper. You have to roll the shade on its side and follow along with your pencil. Once you do that you want to then give it 1/2 inch allowance and trace again. This will give you room to tuck fabric in the lampshade.

Pin tissue pattern on fabric and cut. Simple!

After all pieces are cut you now need to bond the fabric on the lampshade. I opted to use Elmers Craft Bond although I don't think it was the greatest product. I would have like something stronger. I found I had to go over with hot glue gun so that there was no puckering.

Finished lampshades!! You can add trim to the lampshades if you want! I decided to keep it plain fabric.

Chandelier final cost for lampshades $25 total cost for lighting $65!! Can't beat it!!

The room is almost complete I just need to put my dressforms in the craft room displaying my tutus!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Aubrey at 5 Months

Time flew!! I know I just wrote about her 4 months but I'm trying to stay up to date while she's still sleeping...haha

So Itsy bitsy spider is no longer a favorite song. It makes her happy for just a little bit but she starts to catch on after singing the song more than twice. HAH! Smart girl. She loves her dog tank and gets so excited when he's near her. He gets in a couple of kisses now and then. Aubrey is now starting to chuckle more frequently. The other day she couldn't stop giggling at her mom moms dogs . It's the cutes thing ever. She makes us soo happy when she's happy. She rolls like a pro now and we now have to be more careful where we put her. We use to put her on the counters with the rockers, papasans and bumbo seat, now we leave them all on the floor. She smiles so big when we pick her up from day care and gets soo excited to see us. She has a very strong kick and loves to stand up. She's starting to play with her rattles and other infant toys. I started putting girly girl clips in her hair and she looks so precious in them. She loves going in the pool with mommy and daddy to cool off at mom moms house.

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

One Month

Aubrey at 4 months

I promised myself that I would try to stay on top of Aubrey's month to month updates and I'm slackin. At the beginning of 4 months Aubrey was definitely on her way to roll, with a little nudge she rolled over. She definitely found her voice and sometimes sounds like a cat. She's a very chunky monkey and smiles all the time. I heard her first giggle and chuckle, so cute! I couldn't wait for her to really start chuckling. She is finally sleeping much better. 6 hours straight!! I'll take it!! She started eating rice cereal and at first didn't like it but now she loves it. At 4 months she weighed 14.6 lbs and 25 inches the doctor said she had a growth spurt! She is using her walker and bouncer and really loves it. She no longer is afraid of the toys dangling above her head. She's almost busting out of her bumbo seat but were still squeezing her in, we just put together her high chair so she'll be using that soon. She still can't sit up on her own without timbering forward. She is starting to grow out of her 3-6 months outfits. She loves loves itsy bitsy spider!! The only song that consoles her when she's cranky. Were having so much fun with Aubrey and can't believe how fast she's growing.

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

One Month

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer is here!! Flip flops are back!

Go to to see what's hot for the Summer!!




Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aubrey at 3 months

I know I just posted her 2 month picture but I'm behind but I don't want to fall back. 3 months had flew by and I was sad to have to return back to work :( This was tough for me to take Aubrey to daycare. We fell behind on starting her on bottles so that was one thing that was really tough. She would not take the bottle just days before her first day at daycare. To our amazement after 3 straight days of being stubborn she finally finished a whole bottle and made us so proud. Aubrey 3 weeks ago was 13 lbs so who knows how big she is now! Her smiles are so precious,I just can't get enough. Her cousin Luke left his Iron man at our house and it actually stops her from crying when she gets changed. She can be so cranky and once we turn Iron Man on she just calms down. Soo funny. Her legs are really strong, she loves standing up and looking at herself in the mirror. She loves listening to "Better Together" with her Daddy and getting back massages. She found her voice and is cooing much louder. She cries at her mobiles, I think she thinks their coming down to get her or something because after twenty minutes of the swing she looks up and starts bawling. She's wearing 6-9 months in clothes. I can't believe how big she is getting.

Small, Medium, Large

3 Months

2 Months

One Month

Aubrey at 2 months

Aubrey has gotten so big!! So much has happened in the last two months. To bring you up to speed. Aubrey at 2 months was smiling much more and filling out all over. At her 2nd month appt she weighed 12.5 lbs. She has much better control of her neck and she has better eye contact. She's starting to sleep much better. I took her out and about a lot more! She went to Cheesecake factory, Rainforest Cafe and Jose Tejas and trips to the mall. We took a day trip to the beach and walked the boardwalk and visit the aquarium. My dad came from Vegas to spend time with all of us. We had a great time at Longwood Gardens and Maryland. I was trying to spend as much time as I could with her before I had to return to work :( I'm definitely loving every moment with Aubrey!!

2 Months

One Month

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aubrey at 1 Month

I got this precious idea from another blog and wanted to do it with my Aubrey. I will be posting a picture of Aubrey every month till she's one to see how she grows. It's amazing how much they grow! She changes everyday and I don't want to miss a moment of it.
She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz when she was born and on her monthly doctor appointment she weighed in close to 10 lbs!! I'm watching her wrinkles turn into rolls!! Hahaha!! The Doc says she's right on target! She's starting to have much better eye contact and she's starting to hold her head up. Her once black hair has turned a darker brown and her hair shrivels into curls when I bath her so maybe she'll have a head of curls one day. She still looks a lot more like mommy than daddy. Her dad jokes that she has his receding hair line and definitely his elbows. Hahaha, he makes me laugh. She is starting to coo more. Her sleeping patterns are getting a little better through the night. At one point I was feeding her every 1 1/2 hrs now she at least stretches to 2-3 hours. The one thing that upsets me is all this gas Aubrey gets. I thought that breastfed babies wouldn't have that much gas. I was wrong. Her tummy tightens up and she scruntches her little face till it turns red and just lets out screams every so often. Breaks my heart :( I tried the bicycle, rubbed her belly in a backward C, patted her bum, this all really didn't work. Then I found Mylicon, wow does that stuff work! She still liked her belly being rubbed and her bum patted though. I never thought I would say this but "I love the sound of passing gas!" Aubreys gas anyway. I'm nuts!!

Pictures taken by my talented sister Melissa.
One Month old