Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aubrey at 3 months

I know I just posted her 2 month picture but I'm behind but I don't want to fall back. 3 months had flew by and I was sad to have to return back to work :( This was tough for me to take Aubrey to daycare. We fell behind on starting her on bottles so that was one thing that was really tough. She would not take the bottle just days before her first day at daycare. To our amazement after 3 straight days of being stubborn she finally finished a whole bottle and made us so proud. Aubrey 3 weeks ago was 13 lbs so who knows how big she is now! Her smiles are so precious,I just can't get enough. Her cousin Luke left his Iron man at our house and it actually stops her from crying when she gets changed. She can be so cranky and once we turn Iron Man on she just calms down. Soo funny. Her legs are really strong, she loves standing up and looking at herself in the mirror. She loves listening to "Better Together" with her Daddy and getting back massages. She found her voice and is cooing much louder. She cries at her mobiles, I think she thinks their coming down to get her or something because after twenty minutes of the swing she looks up and starts bawling. She's wearing 6-9 months in clothes. I can't believe how big she is getting.

Small, Medium, Large

3 Months

2 Months

One Month

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