Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aubrey at 2 months

Aubrey has gotten so big!! So much has happened in the last two months. To bring you up to speed. Aubrey at 2 months was smiling much more and filling out all over. At her 2nd month appt she weighed 12.5 lbs. She has much better control of her neck and she has better eye contact. She's starting to sleep much better. I took her out and about a lot more! She went to Cheesecake factory, Rainforest Cafe and Jose Tejas and trips to the mall. We took a day trip to the beach and walked the boardwalk and visit the aquarium. My dad came from Vegas to spend time with all of us. We had a great time at Longwood Gardens and Maryland. I was trying to spend as much time as I could with her before I had to return to work :( I'm definitely loving every moment with Aubrey!!

2 Months

One Month

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