Sunday, September 27, 2009

How did I get into the hairbow craze?

Well, I needed to earn extra money, I was at the point of my life where I was getting married and moving into a house. My sister had a braniac idea for me to start making hair bows for little girls. Hmm, I though. Ok, I'll try it. How hard could it be? Well it was actually harder then I thought. I thought I could just buy ribbon and start making bows but it's a lot more involved than that. Before I knew it, I had already gained a cheer client before I actually made a single decent bow. My sister talked me up to the owner and the next thing I knew I was making 70 bows for an All Star Team. Whoops!! We got a good laugh out of it, but this was serious, I needed to make bows that looked professional. After all my sister had said I've done this for a while. I hate to say she lied but she did but it was all out of love and faith in me.

HMMM My first roll of ribbons.

Make shift ribbon prop.
Here we go.
This is a joke!
Tada!!! It's a start.

I wasn't going to fail. So I googled hairbow making, found a great website which sold ribbons and tutorials on how to make bows. I found Ribbon Retreat, and the book has been my bible for all the creations I've made. I practiced and practiced, burned my fingers, stuck my fingers with handneedles and had uneven loops. Joined a yahoo group for hairbows and tutus where women share ideas, vent, learn, share pics and this was also a great tool that helped me along the way.

Long story short, I ended up making great looking cheer bows and it was a success. I gained my first customer and my first high to making some money!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your story Gen!!! It's very inspiring! Keep up the good work! luv ya!
