Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aubrey at 1 Month

I got this precious idea from another blog and wanted to do it with my Aubrey. I will be posting a picture of Aubrey every month till she's one to see how she grows. It's amazing how much they grow! She changes everyday and I don't want to miss a moment of it.
She weighed 7 lbs 2 oz when she was born and on her monthly doctor appointment she weighed in close to 10 lbs!! I'm watching her wrinkles turn into rolls!! Hahaha!! The Doc says she's right on target! She's starting to have much better eye contact and she's starting to hold her head up. Her once black hair has turned a darker brown and her hair shrivels into curls when I bath her so maybe she'll have a head of curls one day. She still looks a lot more like mommy than daddy. Her dad jokes that she has his receding hair line and definitely his elbows. Hahaha, he makes me laugh. She is starting to coo more. Her sleeping patterns are getting a little better through the night. At one point I was feeding her every 1 1/2 hrs now she at least stretches to 2-3 hours. The one thing that upsets me is all this gas Aubrey gets. I thought that breastfed babies wouldn't have that much gas. I was wrong. Her tummy tightens up and she scruntches her little face till it turns red and just lets out screams every so often. Breaks my heart :( I tried the bicycle, rubbed her belly in a backward C, patted her bum, this all really didn't work. Then I found Mylicon, wow does that stuff work! She still liked her belly being rubbed and her bum patted though. I never thought I would say this but "I love the sound of passing gas!" Aubreys gas anyway. I'm nuts!!

Pictures taken by my talented sister Melissa.
One Month old

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Aubrey's first "My Girly Girl Bowtique" headband

I had Aubrey's headband planned out to match her going home outfit, but I didn't finish until a couple of hours before she was born! I handsewed Aubrey's first headband when I was in the hospital going into labor. We first thought it was going to be a false alarm and that I would be sent home that night on Feb 3rd. I made my husband go home to get it so I could finish it. Her going home outfit just wouldn't be complete without it!! Hahaha

Go to mygirlygirlbowtique.etsy.com to order your very own "Aubrey" headband for your baby Girly Girl!!